A Good Day

Sorry for the space between posts — I’ve been clearly more concerned about cocktails and gardening than I have been about work! (or, more to the point, paddling like a duck beneath the surface with client things and without enough time to think about Big Issues.)

So I started the day with an amazing coffee meeting at Nina’s with Stephanie Thompson from Ten Thousand Things. They are a client, so it started with things to solve, but quickly moved into bigger thinking, both in solving individual larger issues and then talking about the state of the performing arts in general. I left wanting hours more of that kind of conversation; it was incredible! (And, while I am taking about Ten Thousand Things, you have just a little time left to see EMILIA, and you absolutely should! Get tickets here: https://tenthousandthings.org)

From that meeting, I clarified that the language in the current Minnesota State Arts Board application guidelines for arts education (due today) was indeed confusing. But as part of that, I reached out to my AMAZING development director at FilmNorth, Nancy Paul, who sprang into action to clarify them — and ended up submitted a truly outstanding proposal a couple of hours before the 4:30pm today deadline. I am seriously in awe of her skills, and to how much thought she had already put into the programming that allowed her to write the grant at the very last minute!

It was a capstone to a great week for FilmNorth, in which I submitted a Large and Complicated pre-application for a grant I feel really good about, as well as nailing down over $160,000 in additional capital campaign funding. But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time for you to give: https://filmnorth.org/capital-campaign/

I then went on to the always lovely Pangea World Theater, where again I solved some long-vexing issues, hung out with their fantastic staff, and felt extraordinarily productive. Any day I can cross a lot of things off my Trello list is a good one!

It’s looking like a great ending to the week, and in just a couple of hours I get to see Beatrix perform in URINETOWN at SPA, so I’m calling today a general arts win. Beatrix’s skills lie beyond the stage as well, since we just got notified she was the winner of the grades 6-9 portion of the Ordway ArtWalk, and her art will be displayed in their windows from May 30 to June 3. If you want that “arts win” feeling as well, the show is highly recommended, and is free of charge, no tickets needed, just show up at SPA’s Huss Center for the Performing Arts (Randolph and Wheeler) for shows at 7pm tonight and tomorrow or 4pm Sunday.